Its not often you walk into an art gallery to buy cookies and cupcakes, but lots of folks did just that today as the Mordam Art Gallery in Livingston hosted the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale.

Gallery owner Bonnie Goodman (right) with friend Ellie Howell made many of the vegan goodies. They also do a swell job putting together the areas monthly vegan potluck. These lovely ladies are never without a smile.

Bonnie said the first bake sale was four years ago during "Earth Day, Every Day" at the Emerson Cultural Center in Bozeman. Actually, they gave away goodies that day. They started selling the following year at Mordam Art. Bonnie said she had won a TV and decided to give it away as a raffle item. Before they opened the doors, eager people were lined up.
Each year friends and family make piles of delicious and fanciful goodies, but Bonnie admits she does a lot of the baking for the event.
"Its fun to share vegan cream cheese frosting with people whove never tried it before," Bonnie said. "People just cant believe its vegan!"
Bonnie takes the opportunity to educate people about vegan eating, by displaying cookbooks and sharing recipes. She said, "We cant all afford a Prius, but all of us can eat more plants."
This years sale raised $935. That money goes toward putting on the monthly potluck.
If you werent sure how vegan baked goods taste, Bonnie offered samples of her locally famous -- and craved -- gluten-free red velvet mini cupcakes. With vegan cream cheese frosting, naturally.

Or you could try a bit of the homemade popcorn topper.

Bonnie set up a display to show the simple ingredients that go into vegan baking. See? Its not so strange after all.

And if you avoid wheat flour, there were some gluten-free options, which also turn up regularly at the potlucks.

I arrived just before lunchtime and was happy to see warm and savory mini-macs, which are an excellent alternative to macncheese. Thanks to MiChelle Franzen for contributing these!

And of course there were cupcakes galore.
Funny ones . . .

Pretty ones . . .

Ones that came from outer space . . .

But the best were the ones that were eaten. I hope you found your favorite.

I didnt get a pic, but I was told the gingersnaps I made (from Isas Vegan with a Vengeance) were quite popular. Glad I could help!
Watch for more vegan baking adventures in Livingston.
For information, check out the Vegans Rock Montana website at veganmontana.com and join the Live and Let Livingston group on Facebook.
Or come see Bonnies imaginative and fun art -- and pick up a vegan recipe or two -- at the gallery.
Mordam Art Gallery
109 S. Main Street
Livingston, Montana 59047
tel. 406-222-0321
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