Last Fish Standing

OK, I knew this could happen, and at one point, I even considered buying a backup power supply, but since we havent had a power outage last more than an hour in the last four years, I never got around to it.
Well, thats what I get for ignoring Murphys Law.  Today, during an electrical storm, the transformer in front of our house went out.  The power company repsonded quickly, but they "didnt have a transformer that big on the truck," so they had to go back to the plant in town to get another transformer.  Anyway, three hours later, our power was back on and I was pretty happy.  I think our utility company is awesome...even during blizzards, I havent been without power for more than a couple of hours in the fifteen years Ive lived here.  Unfortunately, I wasnt thinking about my poor fishies.  :-(

According to the guy I bought the fish from, cold-water fish such as trout are very sensitive to lack of oxygen/circulation, and need a constant source of air.  He told me that even a couple of hours is too long for them to go without some kind of air pump or circulation, and I guess he was right.

When my husband went downstairs to feed the dogs, all fish were belly up.  One guy was still breathing, so we left him in the tank, but the rest will be dinner later this week.  Within about 20 minutes, Silvery One was right side up and swimming around in the tank.
Silvery One

Last Fish Standing
So, I guess the other seven fish will be dinner later this week.  BTW, if youre thinking that its unsafe to eat these fish, consider the fact that lots of people will drive at least two hours to go fishing, so if they catch a bunch of fish, drive home, and eat them several hours later, its really no different.  As long as we know that they died from oxygen deprivation, which is what most caught fish die from, theyre safe to eat.  It would be different if they all died from some mysterious leprosy-like fish disease.  Just thought Id mention that, since more than one person has voiced concern over my questionable fish-eating practices.  :-)

Friday Night Fish Fry

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