If you can bear with me for another entry on soup, today is a good day for it.
I dont especially like acorn squash, so imagine my surprise when a cucumber start I bought last spring began producing just that. The true cucumber starts fizzled and died right away, but the sturdy squash spread and spread . . . and spread. I got 9 acorn squash and wondered what to do with them. I gave a couple away, but it grieves me to not use food Ive grown.
So today when I craved curried butternut squash soup, I substituted acorn squash (those darn butternut squash didnt do any better than the cucumbers this year). Lo and behold, this is a delicious substitute.
My often-used, standard recipe comes from the Silver Palate Cookbook: Curried Butternut Squash Soup. Its full of onions, apples, and squash, creamed together in a soothing puree.
As with all squash you cook yourself, there is the bonus of roasted seeds, which in this case make a nice garnish.

Outside today . . . beautiful, but brrr!

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