You wont see dogs running around because of health regulations, but I found two vendors who are raising money for the Stafford Animal Shelter in Livingston. One is a young gal selling cupcakes, cookies, and items made from duct tape, who is first saving money for an iPod. But she is optimistic it wont take long. After that purchase, the rest of her profits during the summer will go to the shelter.

Shelter volunteers run a lemonade stand at the market. Other fund-raisers during the year include the Bark in the Park event on August 19 and the Fur Ball in May. Check out the shelter website for heart-warming stories of adoptions and ideas for doing your own fund-raiserlike the girl who sold hot chocolate and raised $100!

The best thing about the market today was seeing all the lovely fresh produce.

I love tomatoes, and heirlooms really rock. Here is a basket of green and red zebra striped heirlooms.

I also learned about garlic scapes, which are only available for about two weeks in June. They are the long green stems of garlic plants and smell and taste slightly of garlic. They contain a seed pod and are plucked off to allow the garlic plant to get big for its harvest in July.
You can use the garlic scapes in stir-fries or in any way you would a green onion (scallion). The vendor told me that they make a tasty pesto that can be frozen to use all year round. One woman told her she mixes a thawed ice-cube-size piece into a homemade loaf of bread for extra flavor. To make the pesto, simply substitute garlic scapes for basil in any recipe. Using pecans instead of pine nuts is tasty, too.

Tumblewood Teas offered refreshing samples. The new My Yer Lemony is very nice!

That tea would go with these nice cupcakes. I ate a red velvet one (third from left in this photo).

Or why not grab a bag of kettle corn. This vendor loves his job!

There was a lot more, of course, from friendly bears . . .

. . . to hot ready-made food, like Zs Gyros. Z wasnt here today, no doubt being busy in her new restaurant, Zs Meze, in Bozeman. Be sure to check that outthe Mediterranean and Turkish food is terrific!

It was a lovely hot afternoon. I didnt stay for music, but each week an area musician will entertain on the park stage nearby.
Be sure to stop by!

Livingston Farmers Market
Sacajawea Park bandshell
June 6 - September 26
Wednesday, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm (music 6:30 pm - 9 pm)
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